EduMeat Course Overview

EduMeat Course Overview

Three 30-minute sessions that will change your life!

Welcome to the EduMeat online course! Ready to level up your grilling skills?

We've planned this course for the fall, right in the heart of tailgating season to give you a chance to establish yourself as the "Grill Master" with your friends and family.

We'll explore a variety of topics, including:

  • Choosing grills and smokers
  • Choosing woods for cooking
  • How to cook chicken
  • How to cook a nice thick steak
  • How to cook tri-tip, the California classic

Each session will include Matt and Jon talking about the subject of the evening, an option for joining live (or watching the recording), and a session "companion guide" with all the tips and tricks for your "homework". Yum, we love homework!!

Plus, a fun twist: Matt's Mystery Meats! Matt's family has been buying freezer beef and pork for a while, and when you have a cow or pig butchered, you end up with all sorts of interesting cuts of meat. During each live session, Matt will surprise Jon with a mystery meat and challenge him, on the spot, to come up with a way to cook it.


Sept 28, 5pm PST

Session 1: Assess your cooking tools: Hack your grill, upgrades, smoker info and how to grill and smoke chicken.

Oct 5, 5pm PST

Session 2: How to cook a nice thick steak! Learn how to make a steak you will love.

Oct 12, 5pm PST

Session 3: Mastering Tri-tip: The "brisket" of California. (Yes, your butcher does have tri-tip)


ABOUT JON -- He's the mastermind of this operation. Cruise around the #edumeat hashtag on Twitter (our official social media home) and you'll see his exploits. Cows' knees tremble when he drives by. Chickens drop eggs in fear when he's near. They can all sense his presence. Jon is the Pit Boss of the EduMeat course. His lifetime of experience and learning is at your disposal.

ABOUT MATT -- Every Jedi needs a Padawan. Every master needs an apprentice. And Matt, well, let's just say he has a lot to learn.

Yeah, those burgers are in a box that says "Extra Value." Yeah, he's toting them inside on a plate that says "Cookies for Santa." Matt's hope is that he asks the questions that you'd want to ask -- and that he learns something along the way.


Be prepared to participate in this course! The three live Zoom calls are only part of the experience ...

  • Participate in the DISCUSSION -- Share comments in the live chat in the Zoom call and even come off mute and talk!
  • Participate in the COOKING -- Buy your own meat. Cook it yourself. That's the best way to learn.
  • Participate in the REFLECTION -- That's what our Google Classroom is for. Share your results -- and what you learned.

Complete all the challenges and share your reflections and you'll get a certificate of completion and a digital badge to show that you're EduMeat certified!

Let's fire up that grill and get started!


Questions? Email Jon ( or Matt (

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